
You may be asking what does wellness have to do with being regularly adjusted by a Doctor of Chiropractic?

When your spine is correctly aligned, your nervous system tends to function at its most optimal level. You may ask: why isn't everyone getting "well" adjusted? Well, as a matter of fact, there are millions or people getting adjusted and they are expressing their rave reviews...

The results are in. Studies have shown that chiropractic patients tend to be more pleased with their care than patients of medical doctors. The odds are good that you are one of the many people who are highly satisfied with your doctor of Chiropractic (DC) and their level of treatment.

Optimal wellness is achieved by balancing many aspects of life such as: nutrition, fitness, mental, spiritual, and relationships. Chiropractic is just one element in wellness that can help your body function and feel better.

Our office has experienced considerable success in wellness coaching patient satisfaction. We utilize the state-of-the-art technology, the ProAdjuster, to identify the source of your ailments. In fact, the ProAdjuster's revolutionary technology has received a patient satisfaction rating of over 92%.

If you or someone you know is suffering from aches and pains, allergies, lower back pain, arthritis, fatigue, or insomnia, you may want to consider being evaluated with the ProAdjuster. Please contact our office to find out more about achieving your optimal level of wellness!

  • 1331 Conant St. 104 Maumee, OH 43537
  • 419.724.5433
  • 419.720.6994